Club Policies

WCC Ride Sign Up Checklist

Our rides are lead by volunteers who want to share their love of cycling with others.  To help group rides go smoothly for the whole group, some preparation by riders is needed. By signing up to a ride you are agreeing that -

  • If you're not sure on answering any of those questions, then click on the question for more info or contact your friendly neighbourhood Ride Leader on or discuss at the start of the ride.

Code of Conduct

WCC is a British Cycling affiliated club and fully endorses the British Cycling Code of Conduct to provide the opportunity for everyone who wants to ride their bike and be involved in the sport to be able to do so in a safe, accessible and supportive environment. So we expect our members to share these values and behaviours.  You can see the full British Cycling Code of Conduct here.

Incident Reports

Thankfully, our rides and events are usually remembered for all the right reasons. That is, club members safely enjoying themselves whilst encountering only good natured individuals along the way. However on rare occasions, something can go wrong. It is important and a requirement of our club insurance that we keep a record of club activities which have involved abusive behaviour, injury, illness or property damage sustained by club members or third parties. To do this we have created an online Incident Report form. An Incident Report should be completed and submitted as soon as possible after the incident with those involved delegating one person to complete the form. Only one form should be completed per incident.

Privacy Policy

In order to administer your membership of Wokingham Cycling Club we need to process some of your personal data. We use a number of industry standard third parties (including MailChimp, TeamUp, Freshdesk, FastHosts and Stripe) to do this. Further details of how we process and protect your personal data can be found in our privacy policy